Compatible Dymo S0720530 45013 Black on white 12mm x 7m
Compatible replacement for Dymo S0720530. Page Yield or Volume @ 5% coverage will be approx 12mm x 7m. This is a Tapes. Prices include VAT. All products are covered by a 2 year warranty and next day replacement service. Name and numbers are for indicative purposes only. All products are non-original/non-OEM. FITS: LabelManager 120P, LabelManager 150, belManager 160, LabelManager 210D, LabelManager 220P, LabelManager 260P, LabelManager 280, LabelManager 350, LabelManager 350D, LabelManager 360D, LabelManager 420P, LabelManager 450, LabelManager 450D, LabelManager 500TS, LabelManager PC, LabelManager PC2, LabelManager PnP, LabelManager Wireless PnP