Compatible Dymo S0722520 11352 White 25 x 54mm
Compatible replacement for Dymo S0722520. Page Yield or Volume @ 5% coverage will be approx 25 x 54mm. This is a Labels. Prices include VAT. All products are covered by a 2 year warranty and next day replacement service. Name and numbers are for indicative purposes only. All products are non-original/non-OEM. FITS: LabelWriter 310, LabelWriter 320, LabelWriter 330 Turbo, LabelWriter 400, LabelWriter 400 Duo, LabelWriter 400 Turbo, LabelWriter 400 Twin Turbo, LabelWriter 450, LabelWriter 450 Duo, LabelWriter 450 Turbo, LabelWriter 450 Twin Turbo, LabelWriter 4XL, LabelWriter SE450,